Experience the ultimate expression of love and admiration with our 24 Red Roses arrangement, a lavish bouquet that leaves an indelible mark on the heart. Twenty-four resplendent red roses, meticulously chosen and elegantly presented, create a striking tableau that speaks of passion and devotion.

This arrangement of two dozen red roses symbolises deep emotions and signifies a profound bond. Perfect for grand gestures of affection, anniversaries, or to make an impactful statement, each rose is a declaration of your intense feelings, arranged to captivate and enchant.

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Lorna Davies Florist strives to provide the best customer service available.  It is our belief that as a real flower shop we understand and appreciate the concerns of Internet shoppers regarding the security and proper fulfilment of their orders.  We have established this return/refund policy to provide our customer with a complete understanding of how replacement orders or refunds are processed.  For more information on our Refund/Return Policy please click here.

We usually tell customers that we'll endeavour to deliver the flowers either AM (9-12) or PM (12-4) whichever they prefer.   If the recipient is out, we will card the door stating that we have either left them with a neighbour, in a safe place or, lastly, taken them back to the shop awaiting contact by them to redeliver.

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