Introducing the red rose casket spray. This arrangement intricately combines the rich elegance of red roses on a bed of quality foliage. This item should be ordered in advance to ensure availability.
Lorna Davies Florist strives to provide the best customer service available. It is our belief that as a real flower shop we understand and appreciate the concerns of Internet shoppers regarding the security and proper fulfilment of their orders. We have established this return/refund policy to provide our customer with a complete understanding of how replacement orders or refunds are processed. For more information on our Refund/Return Policy please click here.
We usually tell customers that we'll endeavour to deliver the flowers either AM (9-12) or PM (12-4) whichever they prefer. If the recipient is out, we will card the door stating that we have either left them with a neighbour, in a safe place or, lastly, taken them back to the shop awaiting contact by them to redeliver.