
The bouquet collection at Lorna Davies Florist is thoughtfully created with a blend of vibrant blooms, delicate petals, and lush greens. With an array of colours and flower varieties, our bouquets are a true representation of nature's beauty and the variety of emotions they can express.


With an array of colours and textures, our rainforest bouquet incorporates large chrysanthemum blooms, carnations, lisianthus, thistles and quality foliage.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  Medium...


Add some sunshine to somebody’s day with this bright and vibrant bouquet. With large yellow gerberas, carnations, alstromeria, lily and chrysanthemums.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  


Combining carnations, lily, roses, alstroemeria and gerberas this popular handtied bouquet makes a perfect gift whatever the occasion.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  


Elegant and understated ivory and lilac/purple bouquet combining roses, eustoma, eryngium, carnations and quality foliage.  A firm favourite. Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  


Striking and vivid with pops of cerise, lime green, orange, purple and yellow, this cheerful bouquet is a firm favourite.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  


Classy, handtied bouquet in neutral tones. Pure Elegance combines lily, germini, roses, lisianthus, chrysanthemums and seasonal foliage. Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.


Our Hot Handtied Bouquet is a vivid blend of hot pink and reds.  This striking bouquet includes hot pink gerberas, pink lily, red roses, alstro and chrysanthemums, carefully hand-tied to create a burst of colour. Substitutions...


Hand chosen by us using the finest, seasonal stems. This item is perfect for any occasion.


A striking, vibrant bouquet with tones of red and orange throughout. A mix of gerbera, roses, carnations, hypericum and  alstromeria.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.  


This stunning bouquet is made up of roses and lilies, with a base of green foliage to compliment the arrangement.  In either pink or white, this bouquet is a popular choice, but best order ahead...


A mix of luxurious pinks and purples, incorporating roses, carnations, eustoma and other gorgeous flowers beautifully presented amongst high quality foliage.  Substitutions may apply depending on season and stock levels, whilst still maintaining colour theme.

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